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ENBEL project April newsletter out

The ENBEL project (Enhancing Belmont Research Action to support EU policy making on climate change and health) of which HEAL is a project partner has published its latest newsletter. The…


Health experts demand more attention and action on the public health threat of wood burning in the Western Balkans

The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) has today launched a briefing exploring the public health threat of wood-burning in the Western Balkans, as a major contributor to air pollution in the region. The briefing presents evidence-based arguments on wood burning and scientific data to support decision-making, as the Western Balkans and the EU shift to a carbon-neutral and healthy future.

HEAL urges MEPs to put spotlight on environmental health at EU French Presidency exchange

The European Parliament will hold an exchange with French President Emmanuel Macron regarding the programme of activities of the French Presidency of the Council of the EU (January - June 2022) on 19 January 2022. At the onset of the third year of Covid-19 pandemic, HEAL underlines how this exchange is a major opportunity for MEPs  to demand urgent,  non-ambiguous and much needed EU action to address environmental pollution, which affects everyone’s health in our society, starting with the most vulnerable. 

Air pollution and health in Western Balkan cities

A new series of HEAL briefings showcases the sources of air pollution in four cities in the Western Balkan region, and highlights why a phase out of coal power generation and fossil fuels in general would be beneficial especially for city residents.

COP26 – a make or break opportunity for climate action and health

The climate crisis is the single biggest health threat facing humanity. Health professionals and health workers recognize their ethical obligation to speak out about this rapidly growing crisis that could be far more catastrophic and enduring than the COVID-19 pandemic: they urge governments to live up to their responsibilities by protecting their citizens, neighbours, and future generations from the climate crisis.
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