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The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) is the leading European not-for-profit organisation addressing how the natural and built environments affect health in the European Union (EU) and beyond.

HEAL’s vision is a world in which today’s and future generations can benefit from a clean environment to enjoy long and healthy lives. Lives that are free of health-harming chemicals, where the air we breathe and food we eat and the built environments we live in are health promoting; and a future in which we have transitioned to a toxic free, de-carbonised, climate resilient and sustainable economy and way of life. We demonstrate how policy action can protect health and enhance everyone’s quality of life.

About HEAL

The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) is the leading not-for-profit organisation addressing how the environment affects human health in the European Union (EU) and beyond. HEAL works to shape laws and policies that promote planetary and human health and protect those most affected by pollution, and raise awareness on the benefits of environmental action for health.

HEAL’s over 80 member organisations include international, European, national and local groups of health professionals, not-for-profit health insurers, patients, citizens, women, youth, and environmental experts representing over 200 million people across the 53 countries of the WHO European Region.

As an alliance, HEAL  brings independent and expert evidence from the health community to EU and global decision-making processes to inspire disease prevention and to promote a toxic-free, low-carbon, fair and healthy future.

HEAL is independent of any political party or commercial interest. The alliance receives funding from the European Union, governments and private foundations as well as through membership contributions. We do not accept funding from sources with commercial interests.

HEAL’s EU Transparency Register Number: 00723343929-96

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