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HEAL is pleased to invite all members to the 2023 meeting of the General Assembly. The meeting will take place on 3 and 4 October 2023, and will provide an opportunity to celebrate HEAL’s 20th anniversary!

In addition to the HEAL business session, which will include the adoption of our proposed new statutes, we will:

  • Host distinguished speakers who will exchange on the topic ‘Learning from the past, looking to the future: The policy prescription for healthy people on a healthy planet
  • Hear the inspiring perspectives of representatives from different stakeholder communities – doctors, scientists, social actors, journalists and young people – who will share their stories on the work they are doing to protect health against environment and climate threats in a panel discussion
  • Provide an opportunity to members to showcase their work through a poster networking session
  • Create space for capacity-building, in particular in preparation of the upcoming European elections
  • Host an evening reception for our members and external guests to celebrate and connect.

The provisional programme for this year’s Annual General Assembly can be downloaded here. Please note that it is subject to change.

When and where will the meeting take place?

  • Tuesday 3 October from 9:30 to 17:30
  • Wednesday 4 October, from 9:00am to 14:00

The meeting will be held at Mundo-Madou, Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels. Both days will be fully catered.

Registrations are open

Registrations for HEAL’s Annual General Assembly meeting are now open and close on Sunday 10 September. Please complete the form below to register on behalf of your organisation. Do not forget to let us know whether you need accommodation and/or travel funding support. (Information on HEAL’s funding support scheme is available here).

Would you like to showcase your organisation?

We will be hosting a members’ poster networking session allowing members to showcase their work. If you are interested in developing a poster and presenting it to other members, please make sure to mention this when you register for the Annual General Assembly.

Each member will be given a timeslot to talk about the poster and their work. This will be followed by a short Q&A session. All submitted posters will be displayed in our members’ poster gallery throughout the meeting.

You can’t make it in person?

The high-level exchange and panel discussion will be open to virtual participants. If you’d like to attend, you must register using the AGA registration form below by Sunday 10 September.

Please also consider giving a proxy vote to another HEAL member who will be attending the meeting. This is important to make sure that we reach quorum so that the General Assembly can make valid decisions. Please note that once registrations close, we will contact all members who haven’t registered for the Annual General Assembly and ask them to give a proxy to one of the members who has registered.

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