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How endocrine disrupting chemicals affect women’s reproductive health: new factsheet and infographic by the FREIA project

It is beyond a doubt that endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) impact the health of humans and the environment globally. Surprisingly, we still don’t know exactly how EDCs can harm female reproductive health. The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) has teamed up with the FREIA project to launch a factsheet and infographic - available in English, Dutch and French - to introduce this research project and to illustrate how EDCs affect women’s health.

HEAL welcomes the 10 commitments from Frans Timmermans, Virginijus Sinkevičius and Stella Kyriakides to act for a healthy planet for healthy people

After European Commission President-elect Ursula von der Leyen had unveiled who will join her team during her administration, the newly-elected members of the European Parliament had a chance to test these confirmed nominees during committee hearings. So how did the European Green Deal Executive Vice-President designate, the Environment and Oceans Commissioner-designate and the Health Commissioner-designate perform and what did they commit to as a team?

How the chemicals in food contact materials are putting our health at risk

Nobody should ever have to worry about toxic substances making their way into our food. Yet, if you ask around, most consumers have no idea about the composition of the packaging wrapping their food and drinks, and how this might affect them. Current loopholes in the European legislation on food contact materials have as a result that its objective to provide a high level of protection for health is not fulfilled.

Infographic – Modern Science Matters

Modern science matters. That’s why HEAL partnered with TEDX - The Endocrine Disruption Exchange to help you understand how modern science improves our understanding of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs).
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