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Energy poverty is a matter of life and death for many Europeans according to new research published today by the European Right to Energy coalition, with expert input provided by HEAL, which reveals a majority of EU countries have significant levels of energy poverty.

This includes damp and leaky homes, high energy costs for households, inability to keep homes warm against winter and inability to keep homes cool in summer. The first of its kind EU-wide ranking shows energy poverty was most common in the south and east of Europe, especially Bulgaria.

Vijoleta Gordeljevic, health and climate change coordinator for the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), said: “Chronic exposure to cold, damp and mould compromises people’s mental and physical health – the World Health Organization estimates that inadequate housing is linked to 100,000 premature deaths a year in Europe. EU countries must link strategies for affordable renewable energy, energy efficiency, access to housing and environmental sustainability.”

HEAL’s briefing Healthy Buildings, healthier people, explores the risk factors of unhealthy buildings and makes recommendations for policy makers, city-level officials, the building’s sector and the public health community.

About the Right to Energy Coalition
We are a European coalition uniting trade unions, anti-poverty organisations, social housing providers, environmental organisations, health organisations and energy cooperatives.

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