Webinar: Just transition: which role for the health sector in the energy transformation in Poland?7th June 2021READ MORE
[Bosnian] Webinar: Health impacts of air pollution: an introduction to the issue and challenges in the Western Balkans26th May 2021READ MORE
Webinar: Health impacts of air pollution: an introduction to the issue and challenges in the Western Balkans26th May 2021READ MORE
Webinar: Suspect screening, prioritization, and confirmation of environmental chemicals in maternal-newborn pairs from San Francisco11th May 2021READ MORE
Webinar: Endocrine disrupting chemicals and public health – how are mutuals taking action?29th April 2021READ MORE
Webinar: A conversation with renowned epidemiologist Dr. Shanna Swan, author of ‘Count Down’15th March 2021READ MORE
Webinar: Count Down: how our modern world Is threatening sperm counts, altering male and female reproductive development, and imperiling the future of the human race23rd February 2021READ MORE
Webinar: Action on PFAS as part of the EU chemicals strategy for sustainability: an opportunity for disease prevention16th February 2021READ MORE
Webinar: An introduction to the “essential use” concept and its application to PFAS13th January 2021READ MORE
[Polish] Webinar: Cities as frontrunners for climate change and health protection28th September 2020READ MORE
Webinar: Data integration, analysis, and interpretation of eight academic CLARITY-BPA studies21st July 2020READ MORE