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Revealed: EU Glyphosate assessment was based on flawed science

A new scientific analysis concludes that the European Food Safety Authority's (EFSA) claim that glyphosate is not genotoxic cannot be justified on the basis of manufacturers’ studies. Of the 53 industry-funded studies used for the EU’s current authorization of glyphosate, 34 were identified as "not reliable", 17 as "partly reliable" and only 2 studies as "reliable" from a methodological point of view.

New science commentary: How fossil fuel-derived pesticides and plastics harm health, biodiversity, and the climate

A new commentary published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology shows how three global health threats - chemical pollution (including endocrine disrupting chemicals), loss of biodiversity and climate change - are more strongly interlinked than previously thought by their common origins in fossil fuels such as coal, oil, or gas, including that derived from fracking.

Carcinogenicity assessment was flawed for 4 out of 10 pesticides, new report shows

A new PAN Germany and HEAL review of carcinogenicity assessments of pesticide active ingredients shows 40 percent of them are not carried out in compliance with existing European guidelines, leading to possible continued exposure of farmers and consumers to cancer-causing pesticides. In 30 percent of the cases significant details were missing from the dossiers, raising uncertainties about how European authorities came to a conclusion.

La déclaration de l’EFSA reconnaissant les effets nocifs du chlorpyrifos sur la santé humaine ajoute à l’urgence d’une interdiction totale

La semaine dernière, l'Agence européenne de sécurité alimentaire (EFSA) a reconnu dans une déclaration publique que le chlorpyrifos est nocif pour la santé humaine et ne remplit pas les critères de renouvellement sur le marché européen[1]. Une coalition d'ONG rassemblant certaines organisations comme Health And Environment Alliance (HEAL), SumOfUs, Pesticides Action Network (PAN) Europe et PAN Allemagne et Générations Futures, salue cette déclaration, qui est un premier pas vers l'interdiction du chlorpyrifos dans les plus brefs délais.

EFSA’s statement acknowledging chlorpyrifos harm for human health adds urgency for a full ban

Last week, the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) acknowledged in a public statement that chlorpyrifos is harmful to human health and does not meet the criteria for renewal on the European market [1]. A coalition of NGOs including HEAL, SumOfUs, PAN Europe, PAN Germany and Générations Futures welcomes this statement, which is a first step in order to get chlorpyrifos banned as soon as possible.
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