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HEAL’s office in Germany works with a diverse range of health stakeholders to prevent disease and health impacts from environmental and climate threats and advocate for policy changes in the country and beyond.

Our current activities focus on climate, energy and air quality issues, in particular energy deliberations, given that 40% of Germany’s electricity generation still stems from health-harming coal power generation. Over the next months, HEAL and partners will also start addressing transport issues, to advance solutions for healthy, air quality and climate-friendly mobility in Germany’s urban areas.

Contact person:
Anne Stauffer,, +32 (0)2 329 00 80

Gemeinsamer Brief an Ministerin Lemke: Unterstützung der Bundesregierung für Gesundheitsschutz in der Novellierung der EULuftqualitätsrichtlinie

Die Deutsche Allianz Klimawandel und Gesundheit e.V. (KLUG) und die Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL)…

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