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Chlorpyrifos – a pesticide widely used across Europe – can have many impacts on our health and the environment. But how do we communicate the science behind the health-harming effects of this pesticide with policy-makers?

The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) is organising a new series of webinars dedicated to the health and environmental impacts of chlorpyrifos, a pesticide widely used across Europe.

Residues of chlorpyrifos are regularly found in our food. These webinars have been made especially to equip environmental and public health advocates in their efforts to make EU decision-makers aware of the harmful impacts of the continued use of this pesticide in farming practices and ensure it is not re-authorised.

In this second webinar, Vincent Laudet, Director of the Ocean Observatory of Banyuls-sur-Mer (France) and author of the study “Fish larval recruitment to reefs is a thyroid hormone-mediated metamorphosis sensitive to the pesticide chlorpyrifos”, will present the process in which the research team identified the hormone-controlled mechanism ruling this metamorphosis, and the ability of chlorpyrifos to disrupt this mechanism. The study provides yet additional evidence of the endocrine disrupting properties of chlorpyrifos.

Join us for the second edition in our exciting new series of webinars!

Webinar #2: New evidence on the endocrine disrupting properties of chlorpyrifos.

Wednesday 29 May, 16:00 – 16.45 CET Registration:

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