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HEAL position: Beat Pollution – Prevent disease

European Commission Zero Pollution Action Plan 

Our Executive Director’s speech on zero pollution at the EU Green Week 2021

HEAL analysis of the European Commission’s Zero Pollution Action Plan

Firm preventive and remedial action
Urgently and drastically reduce the magnitude of environmental stressors on the entire population
Prioritisation of prevention and precaution
Prevent impacts of pollution in early life and at critical windows of development
Tackle the complexity of pollution exposure, e.g. exposure to multiple stressors over a day and over a lifetime and impacts of pollution mixtures
Recognise the interlinkages between environmental, health and social inequalities and propose integrated measures
Measures to cut pollution at the source
Ending direct or indirect public financing of polluting processes
Full application of the polluter-pays-principle
Truly encourage polluting industries to switch to ‘do no harm’ processes
Short timeline to ban and phase-out toxic substances
Achieve good air quality outside and inside with no significant health harm by 2030: by swiftly proposing the full alignment of EU air standards with WHO guidelines and the latest science – with implementation by the next EU elections of 2024; by further cutting pollution at the source; and, by continuing to act on exceedances of air standards, and giving greater policy priority to healthy indoor environments
End chemical pollution in the air, water and soil by moving to 100% non-toxic material cycles by 2030


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