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Press Note: European Parliament votes to protect health with the reform of the CLP legislation

A majority of members of the European Parliament supported the report proposed by the ENVI committee on the revision of the legislation on the classification, labelling and packaging of chemical substances (CLP). The reform of CLP is crucial to improve the protection of workers and citizens through more effective hazard identification, labelling and packaging of chemicals in industrial and commercial use.

Press release – Victory for health: European General Court upholds ban for chlorpyrifos-methyl

Today the General Court of the European Court of Justice ruled that the 2019 EU-wide ban of the organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos-methyl remains in force. This follows a legal case against the European Commission by Ascenza Agro and Industries Afrasa, manufacturers of the pesticide, which challenged the quality and the legality of the scientific assessment that led to the ban.

Air quality: HEAL comment on today’s EP ENVI committee vote

Anne Stauffer, Deputy Director of the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) comments: “The ENVI committee has taken a major step towards cleaner air for everyone today: health groups are delighted that MEPs followed the science, and people’s needs by supporting an ambitious overhaul of the EU’s clean air standards. More...

Gesundheitsverbände fordern stärkere Anstrengungen zur Verbesserung der Luftqualität

Die Bundesärztekammer und die Gesundheitsverbände Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) und Deutsche Allianz Klimawandel und Gesundheit (KLUG) fordern dringende Maβnahmen, um die unterschätzte Krankheitslast durch Luftverschmutzung und insbesondere Feinstaub zu senken. Bei der aktuellen Überarbeitung der Luftqualitätsgrenzwerte auf EU-Ebene sollte sich die Bundesregierung für die vollständige Angleichung der Grenzwerte mit Empfehlungen der Weltgesundheitsorganisation bis 2030 einsetzen, damit Deutschland und die EU Vorreiter beim Gesundheitsschutz werden.
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